Defiance of Tyranny

Saturday, October 28, 2006

If the Modern media was reporting:

"Troops freeze without adequate supplies, 19,000 G.I.'s dead in Roosevelt's quagmire"

The Ardennes, Belgium
January 16th 1945

If the Modern media was reporting:

"Troops freeze without adequate supplies, 19,000 G.I.'s dead in Roosevelt's quagmire"

The Ardennes, Belgium
January 16th 1945

I hope the point I was trying to get across in my last post was clear.

It is without any semblance of loyalty, patriotism or even common sense, that the anti-war left wingers seize upon any piece of bad news coming from Iraq and attempt to use it as political capital.

Look at some headlines from the liberal media:

"Deadliest month in Iraq", "90 G.I.'s killed in Iraq in October", etc.

Imagine June 7th 1944 headline with today's media:

"Day One slaughter: 400 casualties an hour in Roosevelt's War"

Again, it must be clearly understood that I have no problem with people questioning, criticizing, or otherwise disagreeing with the policies and actions of the federal government. I think dissent is a right of the American people. The same free and democratic society that comes up with the best solutions to economic and social problems will also generate innovative and creative solutions to handling terrorists in Iraq.

Dissent, however, is not the same as sedition and treason.

Critics of the war must understand and admit that there are inevitable consequences to ANY war. Therefore, unless they are true pacifists and oppose war in all situations it is not valid or logical to criticize a war simply because of the inevitable consequences.

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend." Make no mistake, terrorists are the enemy of freedom and those who unfairly criticize Bush and Operation Iraqi Freedom are the friends of al-Queda. A vote against Bush and Operation Iraqi Freedom is a vote FOR al-Queda.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Why the Democrats retreat and defeat strategy amounts to using the deaths of brave servicemen and women in Iraq as political cannon fodder to try and gain political power:

I cannot think of a better use of the phrase "useful idiots", which was coined by Joseph Stalin speaking of the western critics of the United States Anti-Communist policy of the 20th century, than to refer to vociferous and rabid critics of Operation Iraqi Freedom and the proactive response of President George W. Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair to the terrorist attacks of the early 21st century.

Without any semblance of loyalty, patriotism or even common sense, these left wing idealogues seize upon any piece of bad news coming from Iraq and attempt to use it as political capital (with the media aiding and abetting every step of the way) in order to gain power and attempt to undermine a successful policy which has at minimum prevented another attack like September 11th on American soil.

It must be clearly understood that I have no problem with people questioning, criticizing, or otherwise disagreeing with the policies and actions of the federal government. I think dissent is a right of the American people. Dissent, however, is not the same as sedition and treason. I criticized President Clinton's handling of Somalia, but I certainly didn't want his mission to fail. I didn't desire the brutal dragging of a dead marine through the streets because I could use it to make Clinton look bad.

Yet, this is exactly the attitude of the left. They couldn't WAIT to call Iraq a "quagmire". They couldn't wait to report civilian and military casualties.

I cannot abide political opportunism. I cannot abide piling on. I cannot abide when criticizing goes beyond the bounds of our nation and begins to bring aid and comfort to our enemies.

Critics of the war must realize that there are inevitable consequences to war. Therefore, unless you oppose war in all situations (true pacifism) it is illogical to criticize a war in general because of it's inevitable consequences such as casualties or duration or strategic errors.

In other words, the war should not be criticized simply for being war. If the criticism is valid it should be addressed. In the case of Operation Iraqi Freedom, the opposition is based not on a valid critique of the strategic concept but on previously existing opposition that was there PRIOR to the war.

The disingenuous use of the horrors of war to campaign against "BUSH" and the Republicans is simply shameless political opportunism. The terrorists in Iraq, yes, many of the same al-Queda that Democrats said weren't in the country simply listen to the litany of complaints coming from the left and seek to make them appear prophetic. Watching this situation unfold it brings to mind the old phrase: "The enemy of my enemy is my friend." Make no mistake, terrorists are the enemy of freedom and those who unfairly criticize Bush and Operation Iraqi Freedom are the friends of al-Queda.
