12:19 AM
by Steve
A Convenient Hoax: Climate change fear-mongers use psuedo-science to further political agendas. or, "Watermelon marxists are green on the outside, red on the inside."
To say the climate of the Earth is changing is like saying the Sun is putting out heat and light. The climate of the Earth is ALWAYS changing. It always has...
In fact, not one conclusive piece of evidence of has been shown to prove that Earth is significantly warming beyond the normal trends associated with climate change. Yet, how many man hours and how much time has been devoted to this latest hoax/crisis? How many panels have been convened and to what degree are government resources being used to combat this phantom?
Any change in worldwide temperature could be caused by a variety of factors and is certainly not limited to atmospheric make-up.Some of these factors include:1. Variation in solar output2. Land mass arrangement or plate tectonics3. cosmic ray induced ionization of the atmosphere4. Volcanism (or natural changes to atmospheric make-up)For these "eco-chicken-littles" to run around shouting, "The Sky is Falling!" is laughable. Especially since some of these same people were biting their nails about an impending ice-age in the early 1970's and warning the capitalists of the world about the mass worldwide starvation and overpopulation by the year 2000.The make-up of the Earth's atmosphere and the impact of the so-called "greenhouse effect" has been greatly exaggerated as has man's impact by the left wing eco-terrorists.