3:48 AM
by Steve
More on Virginia Tech.
Gun control may have killed people on the Virginia Tech campus.
A few years back, a student with perfectly legal concealed carry permit was dismissed from class and the issue brought about a debate which, naturally, led to banning of guns on campus. This is no surprise on liberal college campus.
It is my contention that, with students basically defenseless against this type of assault, this gun ban may have actually killed the very students it was supposed to protect.
Common sense is thrown out the window when people's freedoms are eroded. Are we to rely on the government to protect us and our most innocent citizens at all times? They obviously failed us on a grand scale on 9/11. They failed us in school shootings and other random violence all over the country.
It is the very liberal lack of faith in the natural goodness of people that leads to the restrictions on their freedoms. Liberals believe people are bad so they take away their guns. Liberals believe the wealthy are bad so they take away their money. Liberals believe corporations (basically just groups of people in business) are bad so they restrict and hamstring them.
Conservatives believe in the natural goodness of people. Or more succinctly, they believe in free will (or man's ABILITY to choose good) Conservatives believe the wealthy are good (just like other people) and assume that they will save, spend or invest their money inevitably helping others. Conservatives believe corporations are good because they employ thousands of people and create goods and services people want and need.
Common sense backs the conservative viewpoint here. Most people expressed shock, sorrow and disgust at the murders on the Virginia Tech campus. People always say that those who commit these atrocities are "crazy" or "on something". It's a sort of knee-jerk response because we all realize it takes extraordinary circumstances to drive someone to this extreme. Most people have a natural aversion to killing other humans. A small percentage of the society are actually sociopaths who can easily harm others. I'm not ready to dismiss these killers as "crazy" or "under the influence" of drugs. That may be a cop-out. Conservatives believe in free will and "free" swings both ways. An otherwise normal person under extreme circumstances may choose to do something this horrible. In WWII, otherwise normal Germans joined the Third Reich and participated in genocide. Today, otherwise normal African commit tribal violence on vast scales with utter disregard for innocent women and children. Free will is a dangerous thing. This is why having a moral and ethical society is so important. If our youth grow up in a society that nurtures judeo-christian values and ethical behavior most of them will be good people. That is America today. If our youth grow up in a moral vacuum populated with O.J. Simpson, Marilyn Manson and Britney Spears, First person shooter video game violence, media (movies, games, Internet) filled with nihilistic nonsense we are in deep trouble.
If you handed a 9mm to every person (student and faculty) on campus of Virginia Tech I guarantee that far fewer people would be dead on campus today.
5:37 AM
by Steve
Virginia Tech
A tragic event has occurred on the campus of a university in our nation. Over 30 students and faculty lie dead at the hand of an evil person. This selfish, disgusting human thought his sorrow and pain was worth more than the lives of other individuals.
This event should make us all take pause and try and grasp how lucky we all are to be alive. We don't have to be. Life is a rare and precious commodity in our universe.
A stray comet could wipe all of us out in the blink of an eye. A massive hurricane, earthquake or volcano could kill thousands or hundreds of thousands.
We all need to cherish the time that we have because it gives us another precious thing, a thing MORE precious even than life itself. That thing is choice. Life gives us the ability to choose what we think, say, do and become. If confronted by evil, we have the ability as human beings to take a stand.
Before the "healing" can begin we need to acknowledge that a wound that needs healing has occurred. We need to suffer a little. Before the "forgiveness" can occur it must be clearly stated that an evil act that requires "forgiveness" has happened.