Defiance of Tyranny

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Congratulations Will Ferrell you have officially become Rich Little

It's easy to pick on George W. Bush. His every mistake was amplified and repeated ad nauseum by an openly hostile media.

Ferrell simply sides with the media's take on every major event during the presidency of George W. Bush and then does the SNL "Weekend Update" hatchet job on him.

Criticize the handling of the war on terror, but has there been a single attack on U.S. soil since 9/11? Criticize the Iraq War, but isn't Iraq far better off than it was under the totalitarian rule of Saddam Hussein who sponsored terror? Criticize the President for Hurricane Katrina, but did the failure of the government in that event not start a long overdue debate about the role of the government and it's actual responsibility in the event of natural disasters? Criticize him for the economy even though he repeatedly warned the congress about fannie mae and freddie mac and was IGNORED or called alarmist...Typical LIBERAL hypocrisy.

Will Ferrell shame on you. And congrats on the new career.
